
Sexuality In Rap Music

Decent Essays

The ability to remember song lyrics faster than the content learned in a particular class says much about the influence music has on several individuals. As a way to express oneself, bring cultures together to bond, or even be an escape from reality, all types of music have served a variety of purposes relative to the listener. While some impacts may be thought provoking and inspiring, music and music videos can also perpetuate gendered sexuality through lyrics or content and behaviors in videos. The audience of individuals who watch music videos lies on a range of ages and spectrum of genders and sexualities; the content provides these people the opportunity to mimic or practice the behaviors seen in the videos because it is approved by famous celebrities and fulfills societal norms. While rap music is highly stigmatized for emphasizing misogynistic lyrics, and objectifying and being violent towards women in music videos, this rigid concept of gendered sexuality created by society is practiced by all genres of music and entices a culture of music and music videos that enhances women as objects of sexual availability and disposal as well as the perpetuation of racial stereotypes and stigmas.
Gender and sexuality, while seemingly may have no correlation, actually play a large role in everyone’s every day lives as we practice societal norms whether consciously or unconsciously. We choose to identify ourselves on the basis of numerous things such as race, social class,

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