
Short Story

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Damien awoke to the sound of the wretched voice on his intercom. The like sound of a knife on glass combined with a dying cat seemed like the most accurate representation of him. The voice croaked a few time before speaking. “ORT Damien, this is Captain Lukas. I wish to speak with you in the Drafting room. Now get your ass out off bed and shake off all of that Devil’s Sauce you drank last night.” Damien chuckled slightly, even though it only intensified the throbbing in his head. Damien leaned over his bed and returned with equal firepower. “It’s a Saturday Lukas. Lighten up and let me nurse my hangover.” His speech was slightly slurred. Of last night Damien barely remembered anything. But, he did remember it involved a game of …show more content…

Damn Lukas and his drinking games. He thought dismally. Damien reluctantly walked away from the window, wishing he could stand in front of it forever. If only Dylan wasn’t a jackass, I wouldn’t be here right now. Damien had never forgotten how he was inducted into the Krigare Order. It was a partly cloudy day while all of the apprentices stood to wait for their turn to be inducted. Everyone one of them was excited until navigators swarmed into the crowd and took Zoiche (Damien’s friend) to the front of the hall. It was all a blur except for when Dylan slit Zoiche’s throat. The blood sprayed lightly at first but then turned into a slow-moving crimson river. Zoiche choked on his own blood for only what felt an eternity before he collapsed on the floor in a pool of his own blood. After the induction was completed, and Damien was chosen as his new name he asked why Zoiche had died. Dylan has shrugged it off saying that he had committed a crime against all of Pekna, but wouldn’t say what it was. Damien hated, despised his Krigare name, it had no meaning to him. He wished the others would call him by his true name, Traegin. It was the name his father, and grandfather, and his father had. The name made him proud of who he was, but Damien made him feel as if he was a grain of sand. He kept it to himself though, not wanting to have a fate like Zoiche. Within minutes Damien was looking at himself in the mirror, with his

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