
Should Critical Thinking Skills Be Taught In The Classroom

Satisfactory Essays

“Those that use the Internet every day do the worst,” said Andreas Schleicher, OECD Director for Education and Skills, and author of “Students, Computers and Learning: Making the Connection,” The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) looked at computer use amongst high schoolers in 31 nations and regions, and found that students who used computers more at school had both lower reading and lower math scores, as measured by PISA or Program for International Student Assessment. While reading our article in the CQ researcher on critical thinking, I learned that the US is on the brink of being lower than average in tests scores. The study done by PISA published September 15, 2015, was actually conducted back in 2012, when …show more content…

So with technology moving on to computers, it can’t be beneficial to how students learn. Computers are regarded by many people as impersonal and even hostile- so if it is proven that the actual technology has an effect on how our brains work, and they make many people feel impersonal and hostile- why are we moving are tests onto computers. While I understand that technology may be the first step to utilizing critical thinking skills- we are still going about it the wrong way. Which brings me to my next point- how can critical thinking skills be taught in a classroom setting? While many people believe that critical thinking skills can be taught- an even larger amount see critical thinking as something that would take too much hard work and scheduling to actually incorporate in class. Panettieri, R., journalists from Radio-logic Technology, makes an excellent point in his entry “Can critical thinking skills be taught?” where he explains the difficulties that really go into teaching critical thinking. Because so many aspects go into critical thinking skills, It would be almost impossible to get every professor to teach it the same

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