
Should Public Transportation Should Be Made Free In The United States?

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Imagine being lost in New York City. Where would you go? My first instinct would be to hail a taxi or get on a train or subway and take it somewhere familiar to me. What if you had no money, then what would you do? I don’t know what I would do. You can’t take public transportation without money, but you should be able to. Even if you weren’t lost, and you had somewhere to go, what would you do? So many people are unable to afford public transportation, that they are just not able to get around, and get to where they need to go, like to work or to an event. If public transportation were to be made free, people who can't afford a train ticket would now be able to get around. Moreover, despite the obvious benefits, there would be no more crazy city car traffic. This would help to conserve the environment, and to create a safer and healthier environment. Therefore, public transportation should in fact be made free in the United States.

Issues regarding public transportation have been an ongoing debate since the 1950s. In the 1950s, African Americans were discriminated against; They were not able to to ride in the front of the bus and had to give up their seat for a white person. For example, Rosa Parks sparked much debate and controversy when she refused to give her seat up for a white person. This led to the Montgomery Bus Boycott, when blacks refused to ride public busses at all. Now, Social Justice advocate, Tyler Falk states: “While African Americans are no longer required

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