
Similarities Between London And London

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What s the point of having a capital city now a day that we have the technology? If we were to look at many of the capital city today, they not necessary the city that make the highest contribute to the country. In some country this could be the city best recognize by the rest of the world or in some case the city which have the best access to the rest of the country or the rest of the world. Well that the case of other country here in Britain, London is say to be holding over the fifth of the national income to the country said BBC report. The fact that it is holding such an amount of income making it so unique to the rest of the country, comparing this to other big city in Britain such as Birmingham or Manchester, London is well ahead of …show more content…

What happens to Birmingham now, why is it no longer on par with London? Manchester, 1894 was their golden age, third busiest port in the country with only 40 miles away from the sea, having such a good located site how come it no longer on par with London. Is this the effect of the advance in technology that causes all this? Do we no longer need to have an equal balance in power in each of the city in order to balance out the power or wealth throughout the country? With the work of the labor and conservative government in Britain, today all the power are now flowing south leaving a gap in development in other part of the country. Let say if we were to moved the parliament or the queen to other city would this have any effect on the growth or the important of that particular city.
In other capital city around Europe such as America, Australia, Brazil or Netherlands they have their administrative and the financial capital separated from each other and with the advance in modern technology and communication they still able to control the power of the country as well as it used to be in the olden

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