
Simon Lord Of The Flies Essay

Decent Essays

Simon is one of the most complex characters in Lord of the Flies. But who is he? What is his character? The traits that make Simon himself are his insightfulness, kindness, and shyness. He is proven to be insightful when he suggests the Beast is in the boys, he is kind when he gives fruit to the littluns, and he is shown to be shy when he declines to speak on numerous occasions. All of these actions show his character. The most important characteristic of Simon is his insightfulness. He is a mature and perceptive person, especially for his age. One example of this is when he says, “Maybe...Maybe there is a Beast,” (pg. 125) He explains his thinking on page 206, when he talks to the Lord of the Flies, a representation of evil, and implies that the Lord of the Flies is the Beast. Simon thinks that it is the evil in the boys and humanity in general. This shows he has insight into the nature of humans because it takes an insightful person to recognize that not everything is good, and our evil is our greatest enemy. Throughout the book, this perception drives Simon and keeps him pure. Simon’s second most important feature is his kindness. On page 78, he shows his concern for the wellbeing of everyone else when he braves the hot sun and the bees to pick fruit. He does so to give it to the littluns, and takes the time …show more content…

His shyness is important because it limits him and prevents him from spreading his kindness and insightfulness. An instance of his timidity is when he talks about the Beast being something in the boys rather than physical. He speaks up, but he does so hesitantly and shrinks “defenceless to his seat,” after his ideas are ridiculed. Because of his shyness, he prefers to be alone. This comes up when he decides to go into the forest alone (page 78-80), which he apparently does often. As such, he spends less time with the boys and is not able to spread his good

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