
Situational Crime Prevention Theory

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The theories of situational crime prevention as well as routine activity imply a series of opportunities available to criminals which could have been prevented if the victim had behaved in a different way (Bohm & Vogel, 2011). There are several offenses committed daily where some level of fault falls upon the victim. The situational crime prevention theory lists a reduction of opportunities as well as increased risks for being apprehended as way of reducing crime rates. A study conducted on situational crime prevention did prove the theory to be effective in several cases, it should be noted that it was not completely fail proof (Clarke, 1997). This study utilized deliberate acts of prevention to reduce crime, including surveillance, foot patrols, …show more content…

These situations occur most often at convenience stores, moreover, in the driveway of a residence, from my experience. The owner is too preoccupied with other matters, moreover, they are complacent about leaving the keys within the vehicle once they arrive home creating an opportunity for a criminal to take the unattended vehicle virtually unnoticed. According to Laurence E. Cohen & Marcus Felson advise, there are three factors that must be met to successfully commit a crime (Bohm & Vogel, 2011). The first is a motivated offender, second is an attainable target, finally the third is insufficient protection to prevent an offense from occurring. In the scenario I described before all three factors were met, the offender is needing a mode of transportation, the vehicle has the keys within it, moreover, the owner is not attentive to the …show more content…

The Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) is an excellent course structured on reducing crime by adding light to dark areas where foot traffic frequents, reducing blind spots within parking structures to assist with avoiding ambushes, as well as encouraging communities to place a special focus on dilapidated structures with their communities. This course was hosted at University of Tennessee a few years ago, I was blessed to have the opportunity to attend. There are is a real connection between dilapidated structures to crime rates, the broken window theory is something we have all learned about throughout of careers in law enforcement. The role of law enforcement is key in these areas, they assist with identifying structures creating a hazard, lowing the safety of the residents, as well as locations where criminals tend to gather (George Mason University, n.d.). The disorder of a neighborhood can cause residents to be fearful forcing them to retreat from their home conversely lock themselves in not watching the areas around them creating an environment for more serious crime to move in. A community-based approach would need to be taken by law enforcement in conjunction with other city officials to remedy these situation. Speaking from personal knowledge, this approach is assisting with crime rates within

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