
Social Class And Middle Class

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Classism and Racisms Every household family around the world is apart of a social class that ultimately determines who they are. There is an upper-class, middle-class, and a lower-class. Upper-class and middle-class people usually consist of white people who have a lot of money and have more opportunities than any other social class. While the lower-class people don 't have the same resources and opportunities like the people above them. The lower-class tends to have a more difficult time getting by in life. The tiers of these social classes determine who these people associate themselves with throughout their daily lives. The word classicism refers to people who share the same beliefs about economics, culture, politics, and have the …show more content…

I think whites are carefully taught not to recognize white privilege, as males are taught not to recognize male privilege” (176) People of color are put at a disadvantage in this county because they are judged on the color of their skin. Upper-middle class people don 't realize that they were born with white privilege, and look down upon people of color because they assume that they are uneducated and/or poor. Children are taught that they are special and have every opportunity to do what they love and make a name for themselves. Unfortunately for people of color, white people have the upper hand. For example, a Spanish woman named Emilia Rodriguez, who worked day and night to obtain a job interview with Bridgewater Associates, is competing against a white male named Joe Average, who received the interview because his successful father organized the meeting. Despite Emilia’s hard work and dedication, Joe would most likely receive the job because of his ethnicity, his father 's social position and Joe 's gender. An example of this racial profiling in the workplace was presented to us in class. We watched a video from BuzzFeed called José to Joe. This man name José applied to multiple jobs a day on CraigsList, but received no feedback from any of the companies. One day he decided to drop the S in José, and became Joe Zamora. The following Monday, he received dozens of responses from the same companies he applied to when he was

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