
Social Engineering And Part Of The History

Good Essays

Social Engineering
Abdulelah Almubarak
March 24, 17

In this paper the discussion goes around the main definition of social engineering and part of the history of social engineering. Some places where social engineering could be applied and who gets benefits out of it. These days we use social engineering a little bit differently where social engineering can help many companies protect themselves from hackers.
Social engineering is a mix of science, psychology and art(1). Social engineering is any act that influences a person to take an action that may or may not be in their best interest. Criminals use social engineering tactics because it’s easier to exploit our natural tendency to trust than they hack …show more content…

N 1935 Lustig was captured after masterminding a counterfeit banknote operation so vast that it threatened to shake confidence in the American economy where a judge in New York sentenced him to 20 years on Alcatraz(1B).
Nowadays we use social engineering for many proposes including computer policies and many other situations. As technology advances everyday new vulnerabilities arises all the time. In computer word we have many vulnerabilities where social engineering can be applied. Take baiting for instance, an attacker leaves a malware on a device, such as USB flash drive in a place he or she knows that it will be found. When found and picked up the device the finder would load it into their computer, accidently installing the malware. Furthermore, Baiting is one of many ways social engineering used. Phishing on the other hand is another way social engineering is used. Where a hacker sends a fraudulent email to pose as a legitimate email from a trusted source. When the receiver opens the email the hacker starts to trick the recipient in sharing personal or financial information or by asking the recipient to click on link that installs malware. Also Pretexting is another type of social engineering where someone lies to another person to gain access to their private data. When you get a call from someone who is pretending to be a bank worker and ask for sensitive information personal or financial data in order to confirm

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