
Social Media Has On Food Influences

Decent Essays

Once upon a time, hand-held devices such as cellular phones were invented to provide security during emergencies. Nowadays, food advertisement not only found its way through TV commercials and billboards, but in the last few years, social media has flooded the Internet through computers and cellular phones. Consequently, advertisement companies are not the only ones using social media (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) but people in general are also using it as an announcement tool by continually checking in the foods they are eating (posting pictures) and the restaurants they are in. Nevertheless to say, nobody projected the immense influences this technology has implemented on food choices. Therefore in this paper, I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages social media has on food influences.

The “table for one” statement hardly exists anymore; even the person eating alone is most likely engaged on his/her phone virtually sharing the experience, posting instant food pictures and chatting with hundreds or even thousands of “internet friends”. According to a study by Cheung and Lee (2010), online social media has become an efficient major part of human interaction, influencing many different ways people behave and communicate. Additionally, food companies use social media, especially Facebook to bring the company closer to consumers and the other way around as well. According to a research study, Consumers have more faith and feel closer to the company when

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