
Social Norm Of Having Children Essay

Decent Essays

The world has always followed some type of order from the first day it was created up until now. People in society have always struggled with following and abiding by the social norms in their culture. In the past it was normal for women to get married and have children all before the age of twenty. Over time, that became the social norm or lifestyle that everyone was following. Just as quickly as that norm developed it changed. Ever since the early two thousands, having children in your teenage years was frowned upon (Hart S., 2012). It quickly became normal for women in society to hold off on having children until they were in their twenties and sometimes even later. The norm had then transformed from being acceptable to having children in …show more content…

America is country that follows a broad set of norms that are easy to conform to but when broken the effects are devastating. To break the norm of the order of having children can impact the mother and/or father on a multitude of levels. In any country, breaking norms can result in the individual being ostracized from that society until they are able to conform again. Teen motherhoods makes it extremely difficult to finish high school, get a career, and assimilate into the working world. There is a stigma that teen mothers are unable to move up in society because they violated a strong social norm and are set back even farther than they imagined. With social media on the rise, it also has an effect on young adults and their perception of teen pregnancy. An editor from “Does 16 and Pregnant Prevent or Promote Teen Pregnancy” (Dockteman, E., 2014) agrees that there is a glamorization of teen pregnancy and that is could be a factor in the rise of teen births. There are multiple other media platforms that provide a promise of fame if one is a teen mother without showing all of the consequences it can cause. There is a disconnect between what actually happens to regular teenage mothers and what media is portraying the young

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