
Society Has Many Different Views On A Man’S Influence Over

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Society has many different views on a man’s influence over a vulnerable woman. Individuals who lived in the 1800’s particularly, had a certain image that they sought to reflect, which is evident in the novel Dracula. Dracula by Bram Stoker showcases the superior role that men had over women in the Victorian era because they are illustrated as being dominant and controlling.
The novel begins with Jonathan Harker’s journals that narrate his relationship with Mina. In the very first chapter of the novel, Jonathan makes a stereotypical comment about who readers can infer might be his significant other. Since Johnathan finds himself in a new country, he discovers foreign food that tastes delicious enough to want to obtain the recipe, but not …show more content…

Trade unionists…hoped that restrictions on the hours women could work would disqualify them from key jobs” (Magraw 13). Even males during the same time that the novel takes place sexualized women and sought to keep them away from careers and instead have them at home. Jonathan Harker is not the only man that personifies the idea that males are above females.
As the reader continues to uncover the truth about Dracula’s control over Lucy, it becomes evident that the acts are degrading towards women. The first piece of evidence is witnessed by Mina. While Mina watches over Lucy, as she declines in health, Miss. Murray notices the act of Dracula’s power when the two friends and the vampire see each other around town. The novel’s main female character voices, “I slewed around a little, so as to see Lucy well without seeming to stare at her, and saw that she was in a half-dreamy state, with an odd look on her face that I could not quite make out” (Stoker 102). This statement hints that Lucy is completely under Dracula’s trance. In the act of Miss. Westenra’s faraway status, Mina notices Dracula’s red eyes that have bewitched her friend. Mina is not the only one who observes Lucy’s lack of self-control. Seward becomes the next spectator that witnesses the effects of vampirism bestowed by Dracula. He says in his journal, “It was certainly odd that whenever she got into that lethargic state, with the stertorous

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