
Solutions to the Global Climate Change Essay

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Global warming has become a world wide issue and an issue that is causing great controversy. It is an increase in the earth's atmospheric and oceanic temperatures widely predicted to occur due to an increase in the greenhouse effect resulting especially from pollution (Dictionary). Global warming is a natural process, but because of increase in certain activities this process is taking a faster and more dangerous route creating global problems. Global warming was first theorized in 1894 by Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier a French mathematician, who noticed the earth was gradually increasing in temperature. He came to the conclusion that the earth’s atmosphere was trapping solar radiation caused by the sun and reflecting this radiation back to …show more content…

The increase in CO2 emission is primarily caused by the burning of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are carbon-based fuels from fossil carbon deposits, including coal, oil, and natural gas. The burning of fossil fuels is a big part of life because it powers automobiles, heats and cools homes, and generates electricity. This combustion of fossil fuels is about 90% of the total emission in the world (Greenhouse gases, Climate change, and energy). When this fuel is burned, it pollutes the atmosphere and increases the global warming process. What makes CO2 dangerous is the fact that it is nonrenewable and it warms the earth faster. CO2 emissions should be lowered because when the earth is warmed up this and other greenhouse gases increase the rate at which the polar ice caps melt, resulting in increasing sea levels and flooding. To help reduce these CO2 emissions replacing a regular incandescent light bulb with a compact fluorescent light bulb can save 300 pounds of carbon dioxide a year (Al Gore, reduce your impact at home, 1), moving a thermostat down 2° in winter and up 2° in summer could save about 2,000 pounds of carbon dioxide a year (Al Gore, reduce your impact at home, 3). Another great way to reduce CO2 emission is by switching to energy efficient appliances which can save 175 million pounds of carbon dioxide. These are one of many fantastic ways to help save the environment and drastically reduce the amount of CO2 being put into the atmosphere(Al Gore, reduce your

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