
Sox Act Memo

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The purpose of this memo is to provide you with information on the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX Act) and to describe the importance of its implementation, per your request. The SOX Act was first introduced in the house as the “Corporate and Auditing Accountability, Responsibility, and Transparency Act of 2002” by Michael Oxley on February 14, 2002. Paul Sarbanes, a Democrat U.S. Senator, collaborated with Mr. Oxley, a Republican US Senator, creating significant bipartisan support. The SOX Act was enacted by the end of July 2002 in response to recent corporate accounting scandals. The twin scandals that were impetus for the legislation involved the corporations of Enron and WorldCom.


The main purpose of the Sarbanes …show more content…

The following chart illustrates these …show more content…

This is because when the SOX Act was enacted it provided detailed guidelines with strict sentences if these guidelines were not followed. David E. Hardesty, accountant and author of Corporate Governance and Accounting Under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, said it very well, stating “Each place where information could be altered, either inadvertently or on purpose, Sarbanes-Oxley attempts to fix it. These problems were created by people who were willing to take the risk that they could cook the books and get away with it. In today’s environment, the feeling is that if we cook the books, we might get caught.” The following chart shows how since the SOX Act has been implemented there has been a reduction in lawsuits.
According to the research by Cornerstone Research in 2007, they found that some legal experts credit the SOX Act and tougher enforcement to the drop in lawsuits which they believe is a positive effect of less fraud. According to the study, the number of lawsuits dropped from about two-hundred-twenty-five in 2002 to about sixty lawsuits in 2007. These are astonishing numbers yet prove that there have been excellent results from the implementation of the SOX

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