
Stakeholder Engagement Essay

Decent Essays

In today’s world for any business to be successful it needs to be a sustainable enterprise. There are a number of ways to achieve sustainability using a number of different methods. A key aspect of sustainability for any business is Stakeholder Engagement. Only by reaching out to all of their stakeholders will a business be able to create a competitive advantage while still being sustainable.
Business sustainability is achieved when the business successfully manages the triple bottom line. This is the process of managing the financial, social and environmental risk that a certain business will face. The consequences of business sustainability are not only the long-term success of the company but also that it becomes an appealing opportunity for potential investors as sustainability is rapidly becoming an increasingly vital component of any business.
The first step in covering stakeholder engagement is to first determine who a stakeholder is. A common misconception is that …show more content…

Stakeholder Engagement can factor this into a company in a number of ways. For example, if the company needs a new product supplied, rather than looking at the regular supplier the company can look at more environmentally friendly options. A ‘green’ company is normally well supported by the community as well as by shareholders as an environmentally friendly company is often seen as a good investment opportunity.
Another imperative principle of Stakeholder Engagement is that those involved in the engagement must take responsibility. For there to be good governance within a company every relevant person must engage continuously with the stakeholders.
Stakeholder Engagement is a critical part of any organisation. It is vital to the sustainability and if it is managed correctly can lead to creating the necessary competitive advantage that a company needs in order to not only survive in the work force but ultimately

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