
Stalin And Stalin : The Bad Leader Of Joseph Stalin

Decent Essays

Joseph Stalin was bad man. Joseph Stalin liked to kill people. The only thing that I feel bad for him about is that he was born into poverty. Poverty is the state of being extremely poor. This was probably the reason that he did what he did. When he grew up he tried to become the “ruler” of the USSR. He made the USSR very powerful. Joseph Stalin was a very bad man. Joseph Stalin ruled the USSR. He was a very bad ruler. He also ruled for quite a long time. He rule from 1929 to 1953. That is 24 years. Stalin absolutely transformed russia. He made them very strong. Stalin did not rule like you think a ruler would. It was not good. He turned the Ussr from a peasant country to a great military superpower. When Stalin got into office he killed all potential threats. He killed anybody that he thinks could have hurt him or done something to get him out of office. Stalin killed lots of people and lived a terrible life. Millions of people died while Stalin was the ruler. Fun fact : Stalin killed more people than hitler did. Stalin was born into poverty. He was very poor as a child which led him to do bad things like criminal and gang activity.

Joseph stalin made way to many quotes. One of his quotes was “ a single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic” He killed millions of people which is what led him to say this. If a family member dies the nit is tragic but when you have millions of people die the nit becomes statistical and is more tragic. “Death is the

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