
Standardized Testing Is Effective And Effective

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Education has been an important part of society for centuries. Over the years it has slowly evolved into what it is today. The topic of education has been controversial since the beginning. It seems as though there is always someone that sees a need for change in how students are being taught and assessed. More specifically, many people think that standardized testing is not an effective way to assess students. While on the other hand, many also believe that standardized testing is the most efficient and effective way to assess people of all ages. The debate over standardized testing has been shown to effect students and the community in many different ways. Standardized assessments have had huge impacts with both teachers and students. Whether one thinks standardized testing is effective and efficient or misdirecting and unproductive it is a big part of the educational system. While the argument may present that standardized tests leads to simulated knowledge, others argue that standardized tests are very effective in assessing students. In America, standardized testing started to show up during the Industrial Revolution when more and more children began attending school rather than working in factories or on family farms. Due to a “back to basics” movement during the 1970s, there was a big emphasis on “low-level functional skills and the proliferation of minimum-competency tests”(Marzano 9). However by the time we get to the 1990s, standardized tests began to be

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