
Standardized Vs. Compound Questions

Decent Essays

• The survey should incorporate a scale that is congruent and even numbered versus a single item approach, (Panorama Education, n.d.). • Refrain from survey responses that end in agree or disagree, (Panorama Education, n.d.). • Better results will be achieved by using positive language versus negative. Negative language can easily lead to negative responses, therefore negatively effecting the outcome, (Panorama Education, n.d.). • Special attention should be applied regarding questions or ideas asked in a survey to ensure the data captured is relevant to the study. • Each question or idea in the survey should be centralized versus compound questions, thus minimizing vague responses that distract from the purpose of the actual question, (Panorama Education, n.d.). • The surveys response items in the scale should be structured in a manner that is congruent. An even number of responses should also be used to minimize avoidance to the question, (Panorama Education, n.d.). • For a lengthy survey, the most important questions should be listed at the beginning of a survey. Initially, people are more focused at the beginning versus the end, were attention and accuracy becomes diminished, (Panorama Education, n.d.). • Labels versus numbers, labels can provide more meaning in the response, therfore the person taking the survey is more focused on the response selected. Numbers are noted as being exacting in outcome, yet ineffective in meaning, (Panorama Education, n.d.).

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