
Steve Avery Case Study

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Later on, the Avery defense team was able to access Avery’s 1985 case file and all the evidence contained within it. Upon initial inspection, they found that the sealed box was cut open, as well as the styrofoam case inside the box and taped closed again. Inside the styrofoam was the vial of blood collected from Avery for testing and on the top lid there was a small hole, large enough for a hypodermic needle to create. This made the idea of the planted blood practically irrefutable as LabCorp told the defense team that they do not make the tubes like that. The case progressed to primarily target Steven Avery and eventually his nephew Brendan Dassey. Dassey was an impressionable sixteen year old at the time and unfortunately like many of his …show more content…

The fact that there is a remote possibility that Steven Avery was put away for a crime he did not commit on two different occasions is incomprehensible. People should not have to fear being targeted by law enforcement baselessly or for personal reasons. Avery should be able to have a chance at another hearing or something to that effect with the new testing and technology available to ensure the original ruling was correct on the off chance it was all accurate to begin with, though it most likely is not. With all the variables presented on the part of the Manitowoc Sheriff Department and the Calumet Sheriff Department is enough for most viewers to come to the harsh realization that law enforcement is by no means perfect or as infallible as one would like to think. The planting of evidence, the ignoring of facts, and the coaching of vulnerable suspects like Dassey are all dead giveaways to how deep the corruption goes. It is apparent that major reforms need to be made to progress in the direction the population would like to see. But, until then, innocent individuals could be at a disadvantage concerning true justice, especially if they are anything like Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey. Avery was lucky to have technology develop in such a way to where it helped his first case be solved properly through DNA testing. However, until forensic technology evolves to the point where there are more precise ways to examine all the evidence from the Halbach case, Avery will not see his trek to freedom end the way he desires and will be deprived of living out the rest of his

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