
Stop The Death Penalty In The United States

Satisfactory Essays

Stop The Death Penalty! Since when was it okay to take someone’s life away as a punishment? To take someone’s life, future, everything away is not right, at all. The death penalty should be banned in the United States. 18 out of 50 states still allow the death penalty, and that number needs to go down to 0. To help stop innocent people from being executed, and drive society away from “an eye for an eye” phrase, stop the death penalty!

One reason why the death penalty shouldn’t be allowed in the United States is that innocent people could be executed. Sometimes people blame other people, and that also can influence who gets put in prison, and sometimes the wrong people get put in prison, it’s just how it works. So …show more content…

First of all, if a person is getting sentenced to the death penalty committed a pretty bad crime, therefore we could switch the death penalty with a lot of time in prison. In prison, you have a lot of time to yourself, you can potentially learn lessons also. One life lesson you can learn in prison, is how to let go of control. Some people may argue that everyone is scared of death, and death is the worst punishment you could possibly face. But you don’t get time to learn your lesson, people can get better, it is possible. But if they get sentenced to death, they have no opportunity to redeem themselves and get better. Last but definitely not least, we stop the death penalty, we can help society move away from “an eye for an eye” phrase. To this day, society still uses that phrase. Also God forgives all of our sins, so why should we have the death penalty? People make mistakes, it’s human nature. Even if someone does something really bad, God forgives you. Some people may argue that some people do really bad things, and needs to pay for their mistakes. But death shouldn’t be on the table for a punishment. Everybody deserves to live a long happy life, even people who do very bad

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