
Strengths And Weaknesses Of Conflict Theory

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The conflict theory approach emphasizes issues of inequality and change in relation to social class, money, race ethnicity and gender. The conflict theory pinpoints the belief that these social classifications are parasitic: only benefiting one group while negatively affecting another. In particular, the social conflict approach focuses on the struggles that lower-class people face in a world where the rich and powerful benefits at their expense. Persons of the lower-class are often disadvantaged, since they are not given a chance to move ahead and are always stuck at the bottom of the social ladder. Upper-class individuals are able to fully educate their children, and hence, their generation will always be rich and powerful. However, a weakness …show more content…

This is to say that, if everyone in society was on the same level their would be no need for motivation.Often times persons feel down and hopeless, and when persons who were originally from the poorer class in society share their life experiences regarding how they became successful, it motivates and inspires those individuals to work harder.. Furthermore, it there was no conflict in society the society could not function. For example; if everyone was a bank manager, how would we get our food to eat. So it can be said that society is controlled by the benefit of one group of from the other, because without farmers and hunters there would be no food to eat. Additionally, not all capitalists act out of self-interest and lower-class individuals who want to succeed can do so through hard work. Its not in all cases that the upper class individuals take advantage of the lower class. In some instances they push their workers to get a higher education, but the persons are not willing to push themselves. It can be proven that if one knows what he/she wants in life, the only way to it is through hard work. Many persons, however, are lazy and so they never move up on the social

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