
Strengths And Weaknesses Of The Articles Of Confederation

Decent Essays

Jordan Hill 11-2
Articles of Confederation 9/30/17

After the Revolutionary War, the newly formed United States had a major task ahead of them. While satisfying the people and insure success of economic demands and their nation as a whole, It is clear that The Articles of Confederation had many more weaknesses than strengths. This is mostly because the Articles of Confederation gave a lot of power to the states and not enough to the central government. Basically, they created a system which the nations could not work well together as one. The Articles of Confederation were indeed the first system of government that was proposed and put into effect. This attempt at creating a system that protected the people from a strong centralized government ultimately failed, yet set a precedent for the next trial, to create a stronger, more effective, government plan. After realizing this was a failure, the country had to regroup and create a stronger government.
Knowing that the country needed a strong government, the failure sparked a frenzy. They needed to create one fast and in 1787, The Philadelphia Convention, also known now as the United States Constitutional Convention, was the meeting where this all changed. From May 25th, till September 17th in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Although this Convention was made to fix the Articles of Confederation. The point was to create a new government rather than fix the one that was in place. The delegates elected George

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