
Students Should Not Required A College Of Their Choice

Decent Essays

As time passes the majority of undocumented students graduate high school and head to the next level of their education, but the majority of these students fear on applying the college of their choice. Furthermore, colleges in the United States does not allow an undocumented student to fulfill his or her hopes of continuing education. This initially leads students to give up pursuing their education to work at places that do not require a degree. In few cases, some students are given the chance to study at a college, but most students can not afford to pay the classes. (Nothing is free for the students unless they are documented in the United States . Something acquired throughout the years that the student had an opportunity to continue their studies) (I 'm lost). The government passed an act called the “Dream Act”, which allow students to apply to any college of their choice. There is a catch, the government will not give financial aid and not allowed a student to loans. This is a challenge for students because the majority of them wonder how can they for that price. Although many students apply for jobs it’s still not enough to pay for the tuition. However, students realize that it is time to make a stand and make a statement, they should be allowed to have financial aid. As of right now, students are protesting, creating a march, and doing action in their own political ways.

As time pass on, majority of undocumented student, graduate high school and head to

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