
Styles Of Leadership

Decent Essays

In this assignment I aim to outline the advantages, disadvantages and overall effectiveness of the different styles of leadership.

Authoritarian, or Autocratic, leaderships revolve around a single leader, and those close to them, whose word is law and power absolute. Authoritarian leaders are confident in their ability to lead and to take charge. This means that they should be taken seriously at all times; if a subordinate does not take them serious they may lash out, threaten or simply punish the individual or the entire group to get their point across. They also prioritise the task over the individual and the group
This leadership style is best suited to emergency situations when the leader is competent and confident in his ability to succeed, …show more content…

Democratic works well with skilled and motivated people because they want choice or the ability to influence one; the leader also wants to hear what people have to say because they want input and new ideas to directly improve conditions for the group.
The main negative of Democracy is that the leader cannot easily appeal to the minority without angering the majority because they will lose more support than they gain. Not everyone has an interest in politics or voting these people are generally happy either way or impossible to please. Another problem is that because more people are involved with leading the country secrets could leak; this could be personnel secrets about the leader or even military related secrets.
Democracy is like Autocracy because there is only one leader and they will make the final choice, however a Democratic leader values the opinions of his subordinates and will choose based on that. Decision making in a Democracy is very slow when compared to Authoritarianism because the time it takes for a vote is time

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