
Substance Abuse And Addiction Essay

Decent Essays

The possibility of abuse and addiction being inherited within the lives of an adolescents are very likely due to many circumstances. Adolescences are faced with many factors and issues during the adolescent stage where there would be a possibility of resorting to drugs. Adolescences are faced with several issues that can lead them in the path of drug abuse and addiction such as influence of peers, depression, and modeling parent’s behavior. Abuse is geared towards adolescent’s frequency of used drug and increasing dosage, abuse becomes into drug dependency. Addiction is fueled by abuse and is eventually the impact of abuse creates a stimulating effect where brain craves substance. “Heavy drug abuse by adolescent is, itself, a serious problem. …show more content…

During the stages of development within the brain, when an adolescent is abusing a substance there is an impairment in decision making. This is due to the adolescent brain streets a reward system when given substance but weakens the prefrontal cortex which gives an individual strong decision, emotional stability, and situation assessment. Abuse can create dependency of substance which will be difficult for adolescent to return to baseline before individual took part in use of substance. Abuse can alter an adolescent’s behavior that create pattern of usage that adolescent can pose serious health and social risks. “Additionally, accidental and intentional fatalities are associated with drug and alcohol use represent one of the leading preventable causes of death for the 15 to 24-yer old population. Alcohol and other drug use in the adolescent population carries a high risk for school underachievement, delinquency, teenage pregnancy and depression” (Chakravarthy, Shah, & Lotfipour, …show more content…

Spiritual development gives an individual moral value of what is right and wrong, furthermore spiritual development fills a void that was almost suppressed by abuse and addiction. Religious activates gives adolescents an opportunity to removes themselves from a certain environment that was filled with peer pressure and lack of emotion support. 1 Corinthians 10:13-14 “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to humankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also give a way out so you can endure it. Therefore, my dear friends, flee form idolatry.” God is always aware of temptation in this world, we just must be aware of our surroundings and able to flee away from temptation. Although, God also shares that when we are tempted he will give us a way out.

Local news coverage about my area which is Laurel, MD shares in an article that per the National Institute on Drug Abuse reported drug use in the past month increased from 8.3% to 9.4% with some 24.6 million people reporting the use of an illicit drug (Maryland Recover, 2015). In the city of Laurel, MD tens of thousands of deaths are resulted from substance abuse, in 2015 the city has had 56,000 people died due to overdoses.
Differing viewpoints are considered, analyzed treated. Per the research shows that drug-related illness

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