
Summary: Interprofessional Collaboration

Decent Essays

This week’s assigned readings focus on the importance of inter-professional teamwork and collaboration within the healthcare environment. Porter-O Grady describes in the readings that the complex nature of our healthcare system and the complex needs of patients call for a multifaceted approach to patient care (2013). This is greatly because current healthcare practices often necessitate for patients to obtain care from various care settings and from various specialties, making it nearly impossible for one discipline to effectively meet all of the patient’s needs (Porter-O Grady,2013). Interprofessional collaboration (IPC) supports a multifaceted approach to care and is defined by Kara et al. (2015) as the process through which different discplines …show more content…

While historically these teams were spearheaded by phyiscians, team leaders are now based on team objectives instead of a member’s professional status (Porter-O Grady, 2013). These changes have resulted in professional nurses commonly assuming inpte-rprofessional team leader roles (Porter-O Grady, 2013). As inter-professional team leaders, nurses must have knowledge of group dynamics, team characteristics, and also have the skills necessary to effectively manage teams (Porter-O Grady, 2013). According to Porter-O Grady, “facilitation, coordination, and intergration of care” are inheret to the nursing profession and are essential effective nursing practice (2013, p.__ ). These attributes are equally important when leading inter-professional teams because nurses serve as great mediators between patients, team members, and the healthcare organization (Porter-O Grady, …show more content…

Throughout the readings communication was identified as a vital component for establishing and maintaining relationships. Porter-O Grady sanctioned for leaders to establish firm rules of engagement to help support a positive group dynamic (2013). While Kelly & Tazbir explained that friction and conflict were a normal part of group development and were representative of the Storming stage of group process (2014). Moreover, they explained that with assistance from the team leader the team can overcome these obstacles, strengthen inter-professional relationships, and enter into the Norming stage (Kelly & Tazbir, 2014). Here the team is able to participate in the effective exchange of communication and begin making progress toward goals. This represents progression into the Performing stage of group process (Kelly & Tazbir, 2014). When the team has met its intended target they are ready to anylze the outcomes of their work and enter the final stage of group process—Adjourning (Kelly & Tazbir,

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