
Summary Of How We Listen To Music

Decent Essays

In “How We Listen To Music” Aaron Copeland describes the three components to which we all listen to music. We listen to music in a sensuous way, a expressive way, and a musical way. We listen to music with a combination of all these components, but don’t even realize we listen with these components. Splitting up these components shows us a view that we've never seen of the ways that we listen to music without knowing. Everyone who listens to music listens to a different combination of these components. I have my own mixture of components when I listen to music depending on when I am listening to music. The first component, which is the sensuous component is the one where we listen to music as a background noise. Sometimes I do math homework and in the background, I'll turn my radio on but not crank up the music real loud. While I'm doing my homework,I hear the music, but I'm not thinking about the music because I'm concentrating on doing my homework. Music changes the setting you are in. Music creates a sound instead of being dead quite in the room when I am doing my math homework. Sometimes This is just one component of the way we listen to …show more content…

This is a huge component for me. Music allows me to express myself. When I want to get pumped up and have lots of energy during my workout I’ll turn on rock and roll music real loud to get that extra burst of energy. I like to listen to music when I am down on myself. When I want to forget about all the stress in life and just have a great time I turn to music. Music can put me in a way better mood after a terrible day or a long day at school or work. People like music to remind them of events , especially the happiest times in life. Music can take you back to a time in your life and reminds you that everything comes to an end. Music has showed me that there are stages in your life and I can’t dread on the past, I just keep going and living life to the

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