
Summary Of M. T. Anderson's The Feed

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A phone can also alter your personality. If you’re the type of person that would stop to help someone in need, if you are on your phone there’s a good chance you wouldn’t take that second to lend a hand, even though it only takes one hand to operate a cell phone. One study took average people who were on their cell phones and average people who were not making phone calls and put them all in the same situation. Without them knowing a random person dressed to be a wounded veteran would come by and drop a stack of magazines. Out of the 33 people using phones, there were only 9% that stop to help this person for just a second. For the 29people that weren’t using their phones a whopping 72% stopped to help. We already consumed by work and have …show more content…

There is a book that is written by M.T. Anderson and it’s called, “ The Feed” and I fell that this book is a small glimpse into the future of what our world could be if we don’t try and take control. In their world technology has gotten to a point to where they have a direct a link going right to their brain ( Anderson,Feed). Anything they want to know all they all they have to do is think about it. Everybody is falling for this “Feed” expect for one girl that will open the eyes to one body on what is truly going on. We notice in the book that there is mental and physically affect that this “Feed” has on everybody. Now even though they are blown out of proportion, I find it interesting that we and those characters both share physical and mental side effects from a source of technology that is always trying to making easier for us. They use this technology in the book to advertise. I mean if you’re thinking about a certain kind of food you’re going to want it. Just like the feed we have left advancements in technology hinder our learning abilities. People in the book have a hard time talking in the form of a complete sentence; they never have to learn they only had to search, and brain just remains in limbo that way. I can say that my spelling and grammar is hindered because all I have to do is right click the green or red underline world and look for my options. I don’t have to think about numbers and how they form the answers in math as long as I have my calculator. They were meant to assist but we use them as a crutch, and we need to be

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