
Summary: The Pregnancy Pact

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“Teenage Pregnancy” In the motion picture The Pregnancy Pact a group of high school girls, no older than sixteen, make a pact to become pregnant. Their goal, instead of graduating together, was to have only girls and raise them together. Throughout the movie the girls make references to the pregnant Jamie-Lynn Spears and the movie Juno stating that being fifteen or sixteen and pregnant was the most glamorous thing that could happen to them and not one thing would top being pregnant. This didn't end that way though. Instead the girls realized that having a child so young is not a walk in the park. The media’s perception of teenage pregnancy has changed over time from being a social taboo to a glamorous after school activity. This change …show more content…

What would make a group of girls decide that their future holds nothing greater than barely finishing high school and becoming a teen mom? There are multiple factors that can play into teen pregnancy. The first and probably the most obvious is the media. Young girls today are surrounded by pregnant starlets and glamorized comedies about getting pregnant as a teenager. The young Jamie-Lynn Spears stated “Being a mom is the best feeling in the world.” and “I had a perfect pregnancy and a perfect delivery. I was very blessed.” on the July 21st issue of OK! magazine. The medias perception of teenage pregnancy has changed drastically from sixty years …show more content…

What girl wouldn't want to be on TV right? Teenage girls today are bombarded with tabloids and news about teen pregnancy. This causes a sort of fame to be associated with it. Sixteen and pregnant may be an exception to this but there are still other movies and shows that came out in the 2000’s that promote teen pregnancy. For example, the show Gilmore Girls shows a young mother and daughter’s journey in life. What this show tells the youth of today is entirely different. It shows that if you get pregnant in high school it’s not a big deal. In fact you will have an amazing mother daughter relationship that would make anyone

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