
Sustainability Discussion Question

Decent Essays

Sustainability discussion question The implementation of a project portfolio management initiative relies on the integration of massive change within the company, meaning that the organizational effort to implementing this approach might be met with resistance. One common barrier is revealed at the level of senior management. In a specific context of a construction firm in which I was previously employed, the executive managers were focused on profitability and operational efficiency, understood as the ability to maximize benefits while minimizing costs (Gaspar, 2005). With this perception, the managers at the construction firm perceived the initiative as a costly one, which would not generate immediate benefits, but would increase costs and operational times. Then, aside from the resistance of managers, reticence to change was also observed at the level of the staff members. These had gotten accustomed to the way things were within the firm and were not willing to sacrifice the safety of their job by introducing new and uncertain variables. Assuming nevertheless that such a process would be agreed upon and an initiative to implement project portfolio management would be initiated, it would best be implemented by following the following steps: The assessment of all projects within the firm and the centralization of all relevant data The prioritization of the construction contracts and projects within the firm based on their urgency or other relevant criteria The

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