
Sustainable Practices And Issues Of Boost Juice

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Sustainable Practices and Issues of BOOST Juice:

At Boost we understand the environment necessities and its scarcity, so we always try to reduce impact still providing the best quality juices and smoothies. (The Food Institute Report, July 21, 2003)

Towards the technology Allis always says that whenever she saw some new technology, she always thinks how that technology affects her business without affecting environment.

We also try to use technology by giving knowledge about health to our customers through email and other technologies available.

In Boost Juice we always try to minimize packaging and use renewable resources, and in 2012 we introduced and started using paper cups and it’s add value to environment …show more content…

Boost Human Resource Team as well works very sustainably, as retail jobs are very challenging and changing environment, because retail jobs relates to customers service and customers demands are always changing, so we are pretty much focused on that and our HR Team works on it on daily basis with such a fast changing environment. They also keep employees aware about the same. (Wren, Dee Hospitality, Sept 1, 2005)


The juice bar concept was pretty new in Australia, and the way boost furnish this concept is also very new in the retailing industry. Boost is not about only appreciable taste and healthy juice or smoothie but this brand is all about overall experience for the customers when each time customers comes in their store and we are talking about experience includes tasty products, best service and lively employees who are there only for their customers and always smile when you enter the store, call you by your first name with their polite tone. (Grocer, May 3, 2008, Vol.231(7853), p.42)
This innovative idea of Boost put them ahead from other competitors and their brand’s distinct campaign builds a relation with customers.

In this retail food industry Boost made their mark with introducing and focusing on niche market. Products range of Boost considerably liked by young consumers. And Janine name this niche market as their “Wellness category” in which they fulfill the demands of customers with healthy

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