
How Does Netflix Work?

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Netflix This paper is broken down by layouts that will show how Netflix has strategic planning and overall objectives on how they value their customers, but look for a profitable outcome. The plan of this layout is to help describe Netflix’s mission statement, business model, competitive advantage, and their financial and strategic objectives (Gamble, J., Thompson, A.A., & Peteraf, M.A., 2006). Mission and Vision Statement According to How Does Netflix Work?, (n.d), Netflix does not have an official straight forward mission nor a vision statement; however, their core strategic goal is to continue to expand with Internet connected devices and to expand more global. They offer a variety of different TV series and movies that people are …show more content…

If a show is not popular as Netflix thought it would have been, they will not pay for video license rights for that show, that money will then go into more of what their customers want to watch (New York residents only, n.d.). (How Does Netflix Work?, n.d.) states the profit formula for Netflix is they have four strategic plans that brings in revenue. The first objective plan is one screen streaming. The second plan is two screens streaming the network, and the third option is four screens streaming at the exact same time as the other screens. The fourth plan is a DVD or blue ray rentals. The blue rays may be a little higher in price as they are better quality than most DVDs. Customers decide what plan is best for them and it solely depends on how many devices they are planning to use the network on. Renting DVDs may only be ideal for customers that may not have a lot of time to watch TV and only be on family movie night or a special occasion. It solely depends on what the customers primary goal is to have with this network. Competitive Advantage Netflix does have a sustainable competitive advantage. According to Wolf, (2006) states Netflix hurt Blockbuster DVD rental by competing with lower prices and mailing out DVDs to people who did not feel like getting out or was in a rush to watch a new movie. Netflix also helped by stopping people standing in lines at a store or the store would be out of

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