
Symbolism In The House On Mango Street

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In The House on Mango Street, the vignette “The Family of Little Feet” first seems like a random story, and is often disregarded, overlooked, and labeled “insignificant” because the story is oriented around three pairs of high-heeled shoes that arealmost immediately thrown away. As a result, seems like an arbitrary story that isn’t connected with the other vignettes. However, after careful reading, the story is relevant to the story since the shoes are a symbol that helps us further understand the characters and develops a theme.

In the vignette, Esperanza opens with an innocent and childlike story about a fictional family with small feet. “There was a family. All were little. Their arms were little, their hands were little, and their height …show more content…

At first, the attention amuses them evident by, “Down to the corner where men can’t take their eyes off of us, we must be Christmas.” However, the stroll quickly turns horrendous when they personally experience the oppression of women on Mango Street, as innocent kids. A local man shouts to them, “Them [the shoes] are dangerous, take them shoes off before I call the cops”. It is significant how a local man regards a trinket that gives the girls confidence as “dangerous”. Later, a drunken neighborhood bum attempts to buy a kiss from them. Terrified that the bum is violent and will attack them, the girls run back home, and hide the shoes in a bag. Later, Lucy’s mother throws them away, and the girls feel relieved.

By throwing the shoes away, the girls are able to retreat to an innocent childhood away from femininity and oppression from men. Nevertheless, the shoes reminded the reader girls’ growing maturity, and contribute to the theme of oppression on Mango Street. This also foreshadows Esperanza’s later inner conflict between wanting the adoration of boys, and her dream of leaving Mango Street through her independence and

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