
Synthesis Essay On The Death Penalty

Decent Essays

For most of human civilisation, death sentences have been in common use. Most of the time, death sentences have been issued to people who break the law. However, the use of death is controversial in its effects and morality. Today, the death penalty is constantly debated about on whether it should be used or not. The death penalty is usually issued to those commit “terrorism, treason, hijacking resulting in the death of a hostage, or the killing of a police[officer] or prison guard acting in the line of duty” (Source D). As source B indicates, opinions on the death penalty are mixed as the percentages of those in favour and of those opposed fluctuate. The death penalty is unjust as a form of punishment for committing a major felony. The death penalty is permanent and is morally wrong. The penalty of death is a permanent solution as a punishment. Often times in court cases, there is a “likelihood of a miscarriage of justice”(Source C). There is often a miscarriage of justice in cases. In court cases, there are doubts that are voiced. If they are ordered the death penalty, they may be found out to be innocent. However, they …show more content…

The mother of a murder victim has stated “Responding to one killing with another killing does not [honour] my daughter”(Source F). The killing of another person doesn’t mean we should kill another for justice. In reality, the death sentences is based on emotional reactions as we try to sympathise with the victims. This should not be the way cases should be run, since they should be based off factual evidence. Society needs to realise that “The standard for depriving one of life should be higher than any other legal action”(Source C). The loss of a life is a difficult choice to make as a society, even if it’s the judgement of a criminal. However, we are no better than the criminal if we kill them as well. People need to learn from its mistakes, as well as help others learn from their

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