
Taking a Look at the Science of Dreams

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Since the early 1900 when Sigmund Freud published his own theories about dreams we have been looking for more definitive answers. He believed dreams were something of desire and un-fulfilment in our lives. As time passed, researchers have discovered new developments using brain imaging and observational data taken during sleep studies putting us closer to understanding the true meaning of why we dream. In the following I will discuss the topics of why we dream, how it affects us, and how we are learning to control our dreams.
“Dreaming is a complex process, and its study is not easy: we know little about the meanings and functions of dreaming; we are even not sure that definite dream functions exist.” (Barcaro, pg. xvi)
Many researchers believe that our dreams are a direct link to our emotions. However, Deirdre Barrett, a psychologist and dream researcher at Harvard Medical School believes they represent something greater. Barrett states that, “brain imaging holds the promise of being able to help scientists “see” what until now could only be reported by subjective, possibly inaccurately recalled, dream accounts.” (Russo)
Scientifically researchers have discovered the limbic part of our brain, also known as the emotional part becomes highly active, meanwhile our dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex or executive parts of our brain becomes under active. Therefore,”…the kind of cognitions we experience during dreams are highly emotional, visually vivid, but often illogical,

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