
Tanglewood 's Performance And Effectiveness Of An Organization

Good Essays

Tanglewood Staffing
Centralizing staffing can have many benefits to an organization. It can reduce costs and protect the company from legal issues by having the human resource (HR) department monitor the staffing process. Tanglewood’s senior management needs to make a couple changes to implement the centralization of staffing procedures. This paper will look at each section of the Staffing Organizations Model and what Tanglewood will need to change to implement centralization.
The first step in switching an organization from decentralized to centralized is aligning the organization’s mission and goals and objectives. Tanglewood’s mission statement is as follows:
Tanglewood will be the best department store for customers seeking quality, durability, and value for all aspects of their active lives. We are committed as a company to providing maximum value to our customers, shareholders, and employees. We will accomplish this goal by adhering to the core values of responsible financial management, clear and honest communication, and always keeping performance and customer service in the forefront.
Centralizing staffing procedures boosts the performance and effectiveness of an organization (Marzec, 2015). In Tanglewood’s mission one of their goals is “always keeping performance and customer service in the forefront.” Tanglewood has recently gained many different smaller companies with different HR practices and is visible to outside viewers.

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