
Task Bi: Conceptual Modeling Tool

Decent Essays

In Task Bi I created a structure diagram is a conceptual modeling tool used to document the different structures that make up a system such as a database or an application. It shows the hierarchy or structure of the different components or modules of the system. I have added all the links of the websites I will be using. However, due to my website plan being complex I added less links made it simple and look professional.
The index page is the URL or local file that automatically loads when a web browser starts and when the browser's 'home' button is pressed. The term is also used to refer to the front page, web server directory index, or main web page of a website of a group, company, organisation, or individual. However, this was a page. …show more content…

This will make it easier for me to be aware of the format I will using and the house style. However, I changed the format and the colours as I wanted the website to look professional rather than having it all bright and informal. This makes it easier having a storyboard being aware of the elements, which will be added. Also, I have added an explanation of my font styles, colours, graphics and hyperlinks. I have added this information because as it was required to complete Task Bi and I wanted AJS Maps the reason I have chosen the theme of the colour and the rest as I wanted the website to look professional and appealing. Also, to make it easy to read and …show more content…

However, I changed my initial plans I had for the website. This is because it was time consuming. Therefore, I wanted to make the task simple and ensure the website looked professional. Instead of making it more complex I wanted to make it easier and neat. As, well, as, ensure the tourist find the information, which will be added useful. Therefore, I changed my plan for the website. Also, I added the images on the website of the second lesson of the week and added the map and created the hotspot. As, well, as, I did this for all the sections and added information about each topic that I wrote about. Moreover, I ensured the size of the images and font style is the same. This is because I wanted my website to look professional and I wanted to make it stand out and

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