
Taxes & Business Strategy Acct 897/297 2013

Better Essays

Taxes and Business Strategy ACCT 897/297 Prof. Jennifer Blouin – Spring 2013 Email: Phone: (215) 898-1266 Office: SHDH 1315 Office hours: by appointment, please email me to schedule a meeting Prerequisites: Finance 601 or equivalent. Materials Textbook (REQUIRED): Scholes, Wolfson, Erickson, Maydew and Shevlin, Taxes and Business Strategy: A Planning Approach, Prentice Hall, 4th edition. Canvas: This site includes course information, important announcements, online homework assignments and any lecture slides, course handouts, cases, problem solutions and optional articles. In-class handouts: On rare occasions will supplemental material be distributed in class. If distributed, these materials …show more content…

Each in-class quiz is closed-book and closed-notes. Students will receive the entire class period to complete each in-class quiz. Each quiz will be graded based on 50 points. When determining students’ final grades, I will drop the quiz with the lowest mean-adjusted score. There will be no “make-up” quizzes. The provision to drop your lowest quiz score is made to provide for recruiting conflicts, unexpected emergencies or pre-arranged travel. Group Project. The written group project report will be due on Canvas by 11pm on Monday, April 8th. Details of the project can be found on Canvas. This project is to be completed in groups of 4 to 6 students. Groups can be formed from students across any of my three sections. Note that students who have trouble finding a group will be assigned to one by me. Once you have formed your group, please register your group and its members on Canvas no later than February 4th. On-line Homework. Over the course of the semester, there are seven on-line assignments homework (designed OL HWx on the syllabus). These homeworks are set up as brief online quizzes that ask three to five questions about the materials required for the day’s class preparations – Prof. Blouin – Spring 2013 2 particularly on days where case preparation is required. The point of these homeworks is to ensure that students have read the class/case materials and understand some of the

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