
Technology : The Dumbest Generation

Decent Essays

The Dumbest Generation As the world transitions to a more technological society, generations are continuously adapting to suit these transitions by increasing their use and reliance of technology. This allows room for the generations to become skilled in multiple aspects such as literacy because they have access to a wide range of technology that has the ability to advance them forward in those aspects. However, this isn’t completely true and older generations are beginning to debate about the impact of technology on new generations. In fact, the older generations see these changes technology has on the new generations as negative and something that actually “dumbs down” their intellect. It is true that technology is a reliable source in which to educate oneself but it isn’t guaranteed that it really helps to build knowledge for those younger generations or in other words, millennials. Also, it can’t be ignored that technology is actually making a negative impact on mental ability. With that said, it is true that millennials are the dumbest generation because while they do have technology for educating themselves, the consumption and effects of technology makes them unintelligent. The millennials are the dumbest generation because of their diminished knowledge and how they don’t use technology for their own educational benefit. In fact, R. Smith Simpson from source 5 asked young generations questions on general knowledge such as geography and history. These questions could

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