
Terpsichore's Nine Muses And The Goddess Of Dance And Chorus

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Terpsichore is one of nine Muses and the goddess of dance and chorus in Greek mythology. Her name means “delight in dancing,” and she is often seen in artwork as sitting down and playing music for a chorus on a harp-like instrument called a lyre. Terpsichore is not known to have an evil side, but she is the mother of the Sirens. Sirens are dangerous creatures who would cause sailors to shipwreck on their island by luring the sailors with their music and singing. Sirens are shown as being females that are half human and half bird. Muses are the source that provided the inspiration for art, dance, poetry, myths, and music. The earliest known references only had three Muses, but this number tripled over several generations. The nine Muses were

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