
Texas Constitution Pros And Cons

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As time passes by, changes are required to settle down thing and to improve what we have before, that is the main reason why Texas constitution is amended 467 times. "The amendments are the newest in a long line of legislative proposals to update the state Constitution. Since the Constitution was ratified in 1876, Texas voters have considered 646 proposed amendments and approved 467, according to the Legislative reference library. Texas is not alone in its prodigious accumulation of constitutional amendments, however. Alabama leads that contest. Its voters, According to the Texas politics, have amended their constitution almost 800 times since its creation in 1901". Brandon Creighton (R-Conroe) have proposed the amendment to the Texas Constitution to protect the "Right to hunt and …show more content…

Approximately 100 people die in hunting accidents in US every year. The reason hunting is sometimes so bad is because people have turned it into sports instead of a way of life. The thing that most people do not realize that is bad is over hunting because it can lead to extinction. While the proponent of this bill argue that it will maintain the Texas culture. Proponents also argue that the injury rate for hunting is lower than that of some other forms of physical recreation, such as football and bicycling. According to the last completed study by the National Survey of Fishing, Hunting and Wildlife-Associated Recreation, hunters and fishermen spend around 122 billion dollars a year in their outdoor pursuits. This survey is endorsed by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. Hunters argue that killing the deer is better than letting them starve to death. Only one house representative voted "no", he was Borris Miles, who is a democrat. The rest were from different group, some conservative and some liberals, and from democratic and republican party. All we can say that there was less opposition to this

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