
Texas Dbq Analysis

Decent Essays

Why would you fight the war for texas? The Kansas-Nebraska act replaced the Missouri compromise in 1854 after congress repealed the Missouri Compromise. The Repeal led to a mini war because the north Was not okay with the repeal. Why did Texans fight the civil war? Texans fought for the civil war, because they wanted to protect slavery, their love for Texas, and protect states rights.

Texans Fought the civil war because they wanted to protect their right to own slaves. Doc. A In texas at the time of the civil war 30% of the population were slaves.30% is nearly half of the population. Doc. D John Rabb was a man who went to fight in the civil war to protect his rights to own slaves , he wrote many letters to his mother. In one of his letters he wrote it says “If the Yanks come, mabe you had better send the negros up in the …show more content…

Doc. D John Rabb tells his sister “Tell him (Virge) not to inlist till just before they go to draft him and only enlist for Texas service.” I believe that he is telling him that because he wants the reason he is fighting for texas because that is where their family past and love comes from. Rabb also wrote to his mother and said “I wanto be home so bad.” and “I think that most of the Rangers wanto be in Texas.” He is telling his mom this because he didn’t necessarily want to be in the war but he would do it for texas and that is how you know someone has lover for their state and or country.

Texans fought is the civil war because they wanted to protect their states rights. Doc. C Abraham Lincoln’s first inaugural address march 4, 1861 he spoke these words “(N)o state can lawfully get out of the Union.” The texans were not happy with what was being spoken. Texas state Gazette says, “(N)o state can force another state to remain in it or withdraw from it.” The Texans believed that they should have had their rights to withdraw or do anything that they thought would benefit their

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