
Thailand : The Khmer And Mons

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The country that is currently known as Thailand, was not always that. Originally Thailand went by the name of Siam. The original people that inhabited Thailand were the Khmer and Mons. The Khmer and Mons were the only inhabitants of the country until people traveled from southern China into Siam. These people went by the name “Tai”. For twenty thousand years, the area that makes up Thailand by hunter and gathers to survive until they began to create settlements. One interesting fact about Thailand that most individuals are unaware of is that Thailand was never colonized unlike the many countries around them. There is some research out the that implies that because Thailand was never colonized, it has had an advantage in their economy. Unlike the many countries like Burma, Singapore or Cambodia that are located around Thailand, it did not have to answer to a mother country. They were not involved in a mercantilism style economy. I believe that this instance of free trade drastically changed the game for Thailand. They surpassed all of the countries surrounding them because they could trade with everyone they wanted to. The first instance of central government in Siam was until the empire if Ayudbya in the thirteenth century. This is when the king established several trading post in Siam. The first time they came in contact with westerners was the Portuguese in 1518. The King gave them complete commercial trade freedom in the port cities of Siam. After this the next country

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