
The Affordable Health Care Act

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The Affordable Healthcare Act also known as ACA, is very important for us as consumers. But what does it mean exactly? Well the Affordable Health Care Act allows us to have insurance coverage. There are several different ways that we can achieve coverage either as an individual or through our employer. There are many different health care insurance is you can trees from and they all have different things they cover in different cost or premiums. There are several different things that can take into account the price of the insurance that you pay for. The Healthcare market place, supply and demand, and the government all have an effect on our coverage.
“In the United States, health insurance marketplaces,[1] also called health exchanges, are organizations set up to facilitate the purchase of health insurance in each state in accordance with Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA, known colloquially as "Obamacare"). Marketplaces provide a set of government-regulated and standardized health care plans from which individuals may purchase health insurance policies eligible for federal subsidies.” (Health insurance)
There are so many different health care providers and types of health care services that we as consumers can receive. All those different services or facilities are going to have competitive prices for our medical care. I think a patient as a consumers are going to benefit from this. Not only do medical facilities have competitive prices but also insurance

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