
The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho

Good Essays

Follow your own dream, they were given to you for a reason!

I believe that we all have a dream and everyone’s dream is different, dreams change with the time just like we do, we had a different dream when we were kids and we have other dreams when we grow up, but there’s only few people who actually have the same dream since childhood. Having the dream it’s easy, following it, it’s really hard! There 's always a lot of obstacles that make people quit from their dream, or in simple way they don 't have enough courage to continue. A very few of them who decide to continue no matter what, they usually get what they want!

Life is not easy and sometimes it knock us down, the most important thing is to be strong and to get back up. Sometimes we fail to achieve what we want, but the failure is not a failure if we learn from it! In the Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho the boy named Santiago faces a lot of obstacles to achieve his own dream which was to visit the pyramids in Egypt and to find the treasure that he saw in his dream. During his journey, Santiago meets a lot of people and he learns a lot from them. He faces love, he faces discouragement, he also faces the failure, but none of them stopped him to realize his dream. I’ll relate Santiago’s story with my own personal experience of living "American dream”.

As we saw at in The Alchemist, Santiago wants to travel to Egypt to see the pyramids and to find the treasure that he saw in his dreams when he was sleeping in the abandoned

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