
The American Dream Is The Forefront Of Many Beginnings For Citizens And Immigrants Alike

Decent Essays

The American Dream is the forefront of many beginnings for citizens and immigrants alike. Achieving this idea has proved to be unfair in certain circumstances due to many factors. The ability to reach the American Dream is not entirely realistic to a handful of people and is highly refutable.
Having the chance to accomplish the American Dream is a freedom that most people desire. The American Dream is in fact real, and many have reached this set of ideals with success. However, the diversity that this country is known for places various people at a disadvantage when trying to reach the American Dream. Not everyone starts off with the same privileges as others. For example, as discussed in class with the privilege walk, lots of minorities are at a loss compared to average white American citizens. Education, jobs, living conditions, or basic opportunities are disproportionate when compared to white Americans. Going off of education, many minorities are not fortunate to get a decently standard education and receive poorly hired teachers who do not care about quality education, as seen in the “Waiting for Superman” video shown in class. In turn, this effects the types of jobs they obtain since the majority of higher paying ones require bachelor’s degrees or higher.
The problem for this still exists, and as young adults are growing up, many drop out of college or do not attend college at all because they enter the workforce at an early age. With this, the American Dream for

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