
The Apachians: A Narrative Fiction

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As the doors closed behind him he got the worst of ideas. He could still save them. If they never left their home planet they wouldn't be in 1930's manhattan or in that graveyard. He'd have amy and rory back, the apalapachians would still be alive, the byzantium would never crash, and sally sparrow would lead a normal human life. It was impossible, but he had to try. He rushed to the console, flipping levers and punching buttons. "Come on sexy, I know you can do it." River felt the tardis begin to shake violently, it screeched as if in pain. "what has he gotten himself up to this time?" She thought to herself as she flipped the typerwriter off. The tardis lurched again, and again, and again as she struggled down the corridor towards …show more content…

They crashed. The tardis began to fill with that bad, bad smoke. River rushed towards the doors. "Out, out! Very bad, deadly smoke!" the doctor yelled following his wife.
"Yes, I know sweetie thats why I'm running!" She turned toward him grabbing his hand as he stopped to look around the room. "Come on!" she yelled, throwing open the doors to reveal that they were parralel to the ground. They crawled out snapping the doors shut behind …show more content…

Flowers of all colors grew everywhere. Cascading mountains stood in the distance. "It's beautiful...where are we?" The Doctor was circling his fallen tardis sitting on it's side with the sonic screwdriver out mumbling "...should be fine... just needs some time...a day maybe? Yeah, a day...maybe less, theres so much time energy everywhere!" He turned towards her. "Sorry dear, it looks like we're stuck here for a bit."
"Where is here, when is here!?" she asked skeptically.
"The early universe, really early universe, before the time lords even. That's a generation 1 star!" he said pointing to the sun in the sky. "This is one of the first planets."
"What's it's name?"
"It doesn't have one, doesn't need one really. But..."He got that classic grimace of his on his face.
"But what?" She felt fear begin to creep up on her.
"'s the homeworld of the angels."
"What! You got us trapped on the homeworld of the weeping angels for a day!"
"Maybe less..."
"For what!?!"
"Well, it's our ony chance..."
"Saving amy and rory..."
She slapped him. "You sentimental

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