
The Basis Of Biblical Counselling And Nouthic Counseling

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Counselling in general refers to the means by which one person (the counsellor) helps another person (counselee). It involves purposeful conversation and seeks to identify a practical solution(s) to the problem(s) identified. Some of the common problems counsellors encounter includes personality problems, anger issues, depression, sexual assault and relationship difficulties.
Although there are various approaches to counselling, we can put them into two groups: secular counselling and Biblical counselling. The former utilises various humanistic and psychological methods. Biblical counselling on the other hand, uses the Scriptures (the Bible), and only the Scriptures, as a means to understanding and resolving the issues of life. …show more content…

It means “the training by word”, whether of encouragement, or, if necessary, by reproof or remonstrance4. The Apostle Paul used this word various times in the New Testament (e.g. Romans 15:14, Ephesians 3:10, 1 Corinthians 10:11). A. T. Robertson, a Greek authority, translated it as "to put sense into".
Nouthetic Counselling is a form of pastoral counselling that holds firmly to the idea that counselling should be based solely upon the Bible and focused upon Christ. It is that process by which one Christian restores another to a place of usefulness within the body of Christ. This is what Paul meant in Galatians 6 verse 1 when he commands us to restore the brother who was overtaken in a fault.
There are three dimensions to nouthetic counselling: confrontation, concern and change. In other words, it is about confronting the counselee in love out of a deep concern for him, and in such a way that would help him make the behavioural changes that God requires. This is the primary purpose of nouthetic counselling.
The “ by word” mentioned above, means that the Word of God is used to teach, correct and discipline the counselee and bring him in conformity to 2 Timothy

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