
The Biggest Threat Of Globalization 'By Matt O' Brien

Decent Essays

Globalization is a phenomenon of our time that has fundamentally changed many areas of our lives, it has changed the way business is conducted around the world and it has impacted the environment around us, but unfortunately it also has a dark side. Globalization brings positive and negative impacts changes, it creates jobs but it also takes away jobs, it improves infrastructures in some parts of the world but it makes it difficult for small local business to survive in other parts of the world.
Consumers are at the heart of globalization. Every business around the world strives to win customers by meeting their demands for a big variety of goods at the lowest possible price. In order to do so, companies try to lower the cost of their operations by relocating parts of their business activities to other countries such Latin America and Southeast Asia. This process is called outsourcing and it has two effects. On one side, it has creates jobs in those developing countries and “has helped pull more people out of poverty than any other time in human history” says Matt O’Brien, author of the article “The Biggest Threat to …show more content…

has lost from globalization”. There are companies that are changing their strategies and begin to see the value in operating closer to their customers, for example a, Chinese company Lenovo. Michael Porter, Harvard Business School’s guru, says that “choosing the right location for producing a good or a service is an inexact science, and many companies got it wrong”. Lenovo is one of the first companies that takes globalization on new the level and opens a new production line in North Carolina. However, according to Economist newspaper, some American companies also start to rethink their strategies including Google, General Electrics, and Ford Motors and now they “are bringing some of their production back to

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