
The Blacker The Berry, By Wallace Thurman

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By the end of Wallace Thurman’s novel, “The Blacker the Berry,” the main character Emma Lou has a revelation about herself. Her whole life she thought her dark skin color prevented her from good opportunities. She was hyper-sensitive towards her color and tried to make up for it by fitting in with the right type of people. She has economic freedom and have fit in with the right type of people. Emma was desperate to fit in with type of people that treated her inferiorly, but once she came to terms with the strength of her African American background, she is able to identify with who she is, a black woman.
The psychological effect of colorism drew Emma to cover her black identity from the judging eyes of society, instead of solving the original problem which was revealed to Emma at the end of the novel; her incapability to accept her true dark-skinned self. When Emma was in college, she gave up pursuing her education because she was uncomfortable with the environment. She was not able to be friends with the mulattos in the campus, because they all saw her as a black girl. Emma however refused to see herself as a black woman, and decided to remove herself from a situation that made her feel uncomfortable. Despite the disruption in education, Emma’s ambition helped her become a public school teacher which made her part the middle-class. She believed money would help her achieve happiness, and when that did not prove to be true, she decided to look deeper into the situation.

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